My Paws and Purrs consists of a team of competent, committed and experienced employees. Allow us to introduce them to you on this page.
Caroline Servey-Ryves
Hi, I'm Caroline,
Having set up My Paws and Purrs in 2012 I have pursued my passion to deliver the most bespoke, professional pet services.
Since 1996, I have been volunteering at the Cinnamon Trust, an organisation that helps elderly or disabled people look after their pets in their home environment. I am a volunteer for the UK Wolf Conservation Trust and have trained to be a Wolf Handler and I also volunteer for The Fox Project where I assist in rescues of injured or sick foxes and transport them to the Fox Project hospital in Tunbridge Wells.
I am the main driver of “The Dog Bus”: a safe and secure means of transport for all the dogs, where each dog has its own harness and seat. Puppies and smaller dogs are safely transported using the fitted backseat cage. We have large Dog Buses that can comfortably carry 8 dogs, and are solely dedicated to their role as buses, and smaller estate cars, driven by our other Walkers, which comfortable seat 5 to 6 dogs.
Telephone number
07958 357784